生体分子構造学部門 加藤 有介

博士(理学) 東京大学大学院

主 要 論 文
1. Kato YS, Yumoto F, Tanaka H, Miyakawa T, Miyauchi Y, Takeshita D, Sawano Y, Ojima T, Ohtsuki I, Tanokura M. (2012) Structure of the Ca2+-saturated C-terminal domain of scallop troponin C in complex with a troponin I fragment. Biol Chem (査読有)394, 55-68 (2013)
2. AAA+ Ring and linker swing mechanism in the dynein motor. Roberts A. J., Numata N., Walker M. L., Kato Y. S., Malkova B., Kon T., Ohkura R., Arisaka F., Knight P. J., Sutoh K., and Burgess S. A. Cell (査読有) 136, 485-495 (2009)
3. Crystal structure of a ten-amino acid protein. Honda S., Akiba T., Kato Y. S., Sawada Y., Sekijima M., Ishimura M., Ooishi A., Watanabe H., Odahara T., and Harata K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (査読有) 130, 15327-15331 (2008)
4. Nondestructive Quantification of Organic Compounds in Whole Milk by Two- Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy without Pretreatment. Hu F., Furihata K., Kato Y. and Tanokura M. J. Agric. Food. Chem. (査読有) 55, 4307-4311 (2007)
5. Structure of FBP11 WW1-PL ligand complex reveals the mechanism of proline-rich ligand recognition by group II/III WW domains. Kato Y., Miyakawa T., Kurita J. and Tanokura M. J. Biol. Chem. (査読有) 281, 40321-40329 (2006)
6. Common mechanism of ligand recognition by group II/III WW domains: redefining their functional classification. Kato Y., Nagata K., Takahashi M., Lian L., Herrero J. J., Sudol M., and Tanokura M. J. Biol. Chem. (査読有) 279, 31833 – 31841 (2004)
7. Determinants of ligand specificity in groups I and IV WW domains as studied by surface plasmon resonance and model building. Kato Y., Ito M., Kawai K., Nagata K., and Tanokura M. J. Biol. Chem. (査読有) 277, 10173 – 10177 (2002)
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